Explaining how far apart recessed lights should be with spacing guides according to purpose, room size, ceiling height and calculations to estimate quantities.
Answering how many recessed lights do I need for general lighting and with recommendations for lighting design best practise for positions and spacings.
A recessed lighting layout calculator & guide estimating placement and spacings for ambient, accent and task lighting from recessed lights with layout examples
What is IC rated lighting and how does it differ from non ic rated lights? We show you how to tell if recessed lighting is ic rated and why. Quick guide.
Lots of useful can light alternatives and recessed light alternatives, to bring out the best in your room without the need to recess lighting into your ceiling.
See how far apart and how close recessed lighting needs to be from cabinets to ensure an even wash of light that isn’t too bright or creating unsightly shadows
Reduce glare from a Downlight: understand why LED downlighters feel too bright, use anti glare downlighters, position carefully with tips & buying guide.
10 quick to read, easy to understand fundamental ingredients to consider when choosing the best LED downlight for your project. Pro advice for DIY downlighting.
Looking for an alternative to using downlights in your home? Find inspiration from our clever substitutions to using a downlighter.
Our easy to follow guide to estimate how many downlights to use in a room and adjust how far apart they should be.
Let us do the hard work and discover what type of recessed lights work best in a kitchen, from the downlight to wall and in ground floor up lighting.